Anntielise - not knowing that it had worked just fine with fake liquid, thinks it would be more fun to have water in our little Tupperware bowls being used as tea cups.
Yum! Maija likes this! So lady like - it was nearly a Japanese tea ceremony!
Yum! Maija likes this! So lady like - it was nearly a Japanese tea ceremony!
Maija drinks Anntielise's tea, too
Hmm! That's good!
Time for a second round!
Here we go again!
Maija's corner of toys at Mormor and Papa's.
Cheese! Time for dinner!
Maija and Anntielise
Maija liked the sauce from dinner so much that she had to ladle more sauce onto her plate and then use a piece of pork to soak it up and lick it off several times!