Maijs helped make colored Easter eggs - those pictures are on Grandma's camera and will hopefully be coming soon!
Strategically placed egg...
That ugly egg blended well with the carpet - Maija knew exactly what to do with it!
Maija found another egg!
And she spots another!!
...and another!
Maija's basket is getting heavy!
You should have seen Maija's face when she finally spied the egg on the chair! Her eyes just lit up with excitement as she saw it from across the room and then went right over to put it in her basket. It was a priceless moment!
Look at all the eggs Maija found!
Which one to choose?!
Mommy cracks open an egg
Maija isn't a big fan of the egg white.
"Where's your belly, Maija?"
There it is! (With egg in her mouth..)
Easter dessert - pumpkin pie! Not a normal tradition, but Uncle Paul took Anntielise's request literally!! It was good, though!
Maija shaking her finger with pumpkin pie in her mouth.