The day has finally come and the arrival of my sister and brother-in-law's brand new baby girl, Maija Hazel Hammond. New mother, Carley, started labor pains at 6:00 a.m. Monday morning, and around 8:30 a.m. this morning, she finally started pushing...for 2 hours! It amazes me what women can do...and especially what my little sister just did this morning. Her husband Chad was a great coach and is already proving to be a loving, caring and patient new daddy.
I was excited to meet little Maija for the first time just a few hours after she was born. She is a good little baby and already very aware and interested in her surroundings. She has a cute little cry, which is easy to calm. She sleeps beautifully and even enjoyed a little nap in her aunties arms this afternoon. We can't wait for her to come home for the first time! We love you Maija!
The new mom nurses little baby Maija.
A room with a view: Could they have asked for a better view?!
Naked Maija gets ready for her first bath.
The new daddy gets a lesson in bathing brand new Maija.
Chad does an awesome job carefully cleaning all of Maija's chubby little rolls.
Daddy's little girl.
A clean little baby warming up under the heat lamp.
Dad dresses his little daughter, but decides long sleeves have got to go.
Maija makes her mark on what we all hope is the first of many certificates from the University of Washington! :)
Chad didn't do all that bad putting the diaper on Maija for the first time! :)
Aunt Annelise with her brand new niece Maija!
What a cute little face!
Mom is happy with her new little family...and relieved that Maija Hazel Hammond is finally here!
The blank white board wasn't blank very long...especially with a purple pen around! "We love you, Maija!"